From Balarabe Junaidu Nuhu, Kaduna.

We the Nineteen-Seventeen Northern Consensus Movement (NSNCM) for Peace, Unity, Empowerment and Development Initiative, an Amalgamation of 594 Registered and Affiliated Community Base, Socio cultural and Economic inclined grassroot Northern Associations from the Nineteen Northern States and Associations of Northerners Resident in the Seventeen Southern States, we wish to acknowledge the approval of the above project by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and his Executive Council members.

Mr. President, from our vision of the NSNCM, you will agree that this project will start and end linking the vast climatic and topographical regions of Nigeria.
It is a highway that will expose the country to the rich diversities therein, while also in return will:
1, Foster Unity because of it’s stitching nature along the highway corridor.
2, Peace, because of it’s exposure to the linear transformation/transition from one culture to the other while integrating the people.
3, Development will be exponential along the highway corridor.
4, This will lead to Development, Capacity building and Economic transformation.

Mr. President, while we appreciate the challenges therein, we positively believe in the “Political Will” thrust of this administration.

Mr. President, you will agree with us that “No Peace, No Development”. In this realm, this administration is gradually nipping the bud of banditry, insurgency, kidnapping and other vices. We commend all the agencies and their Heads.
The Ministry of Defense, for the defense of our country are gradually and systematically restoring the confidence of our sovereign nation together with all the Service Chiefs, Offices and Officers.

We cannot and will not refuse to acknowledge the internal security apparatus. They have also, despite the challenges, are breathing fresh air of confidence to the citizens. They should continue with their reforms….there will be no gain without pain.

Mr. President, we want you to stay focused on your constitutional assignment and mandate, while sharpening your oversight functions on the agencies and their responsibilities.
Our economy has to be robust as it used to be. We have all the possibilities and factors to achieve that.
All impediments before, now and of any sort, that obstruct or truncate the cause of achieving this feat should be tackled and brought to a logical conclusion as soon as possible and without prejudice to any persons or group.

We also want to use this medium to call on all Northern stake holders, our Governors,our elected and appointed leaders to put all hands on deck to support all the efforts that have been gained already. To also embrace collaboration in bringing peace, security and growth in all perspectives for the region, which we believe will be of resultant benefit for the Nation.

We wish you a successful one year anniversary and look forward to your National Broadcast.

Please accept our assurances with the highest regards and esteem.

Awwal Abdullahi Aliyu .
Sarkin Yakin Kanya Babba.
National president

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